The Point
of Change
It has been accurately stated that GROWTH equals CHANGE. We are very thankful that God has chosen TurnPointe to be “The Pointe of Change” for many and many more to come. We welcome you to a place that truly looks to Jesus for all we do. TurnPointe isn’t a traditional approach to doing church. It is a place where Jesus Christ is supreme and prayer is emphasized. If you have come to a place in your life that you sense God calling you to a “Pointe of Change”, we welcome you to TurnPointe Church!
- Located in the center of Conway across the Street from Conway High School in Laurel Plaza.
- A spirit-filled community for the whole family
- Prayer is emphasized, taught and practiced
Get Involved
There’s a place for you at TurnPointe. Visit one of our Prayer Services and watch God meet your needs. Or visit one of our Growth Groups to grow in community with others.

Connect With Us.